
Chronoengineering I: Biological Rhythms in Health and Performance

May 2, 2022

Course Description

Introduces students to the concepts of biological, and especially circadian, rhythmicity. Advances students' knowledge of biological time-keeping and adaptive functions of biological clocks. Topics include biochemical and physiological models of biological clocks, adjustment to environmental cycles, rhythms in behavior and physiological functions, sleep-wake cyclicity, adaptability of circadian systems, and influences of rhythms on human physiology and behavior. Designed to give students a thorough understanding of the role rhythms play in animal and human behavior, physiology, and medicine.




May not have the following Classification(s):

  • Sophomore
  • Freshman


BIO 201 Minimum Grade: D


Also meets at the graduate level with:
BMES 531 - CRN:42410

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